在我最近 底特律之旅 and Ann Arbor, I had the opportunity to take a road trip to 密歇根’s Upper Peninsula (U.P.), and specifically the largest city in the U.P.,hg6668皇冠登录. 的 drive from Ann Arbor to hg6668皇冠登录 is a bit long at approximately seven hours, 但我有机会在沿途的一些有趣的目的地停下来,这要归功于从底特律租来的一辆轮椅无障碍的面包车 创意流动小组

在去马凯特的路上, I visited Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland (the world’s largest Christmas store), rolled through the treetops on the accessible Canopy Walk at Dow Gardens, and even enjoyed an overnight stay at the gorgeous 港湾客栈 in Petoskey, 密歇根, which is about halfway between Ann Arbor and hg6668皇冠登录. 在这次公路旅行中, 我发现密歇根州在轮椅无障碍方面提供了很多东西,这让我更加爱上了这个州. 我很快就会在皇冠苹果版app下载上发布更多关于我在史诗般的密歇根公路旅行中所享受的一切的信息, 但在这篇博文中, I’d love to share with you what all I was able to do in the quaint, 而是非凡的马凯特市. 


To be completely honest, I hadn’t even heard of hg6668皇冠登录 until just a few months ago. 在某种程度上, it had managed to stay completely off my travel radar, but after a few days in the city in August 2021, 我现在是马凯特大学的超级粉丝, 密歇根 and am already dreaming of returning. hg6668皇冠登录 is essentially the best of what 密歇根 has to offer; it has incredible outdoor experiences, 热闹的闹市区, some of the friendliest people you’ll ever meet, 还有更多. 最棒的是? It happens to be a wonderful destination for wheelchair users 也. 

从身边滚过 苏必利尔湖 on accessible trails to drinking at some great breweries and more, hg6668皇冠登录有很多适合轮椅游览的景点和活动,你可能很难在一次旅行中把它们都做完. 你是否想要享受伟大 在户外 or get in touch with your creative side and enjoy some art, there is something for everyone 在hg6668皇冠登录, 密歇根. 

#YouAreWelcomeHere sign in local business

In this wheelchair-accessible hg6668皇冠登录, 密歇根旅游指南, 我将从分享一些最好的可做的事情开始,然后潜入城市的住宿地点. By the time you finish reading this guide, 我相信你会很兴奋地预订你自己的hg6668皇冠登录之旅(我很可能会和你一起预订回程)。.


Wheelchair Accessible hg6668皇冠登录 景点 & 皇冠苹果版app下载


Munising Falls at 图为岩石国家湖岸

从技术上讲, 穆宁瀑布不在马凯特, but since it’s a little less than an hour away, it is easy to get to and definitely worth the drive. 我在去hg6668皇冠登录的路上参观了穆宁瀑布,这是我对上半岛的最初印象之一. 确实令人印象深刻!

到达Munising瀑布, 有一条铺好的, 尽管在某些方面很陡, 通往瀑布的小径. 的 trail is about 800 feet long and my 匆匆的轮椅 很好地处理了陡坡. If you use a manual wheelchair or lightweight scooter, 然而, you may need a push on the way up and some assistance with getting back down 也. 


Once I made it up to the waterfall, it was beautiful. 的re was a boardwalk viewing area, where I could easily see the waterfall from my wheelchair. 水从砂岩悬崖上下降了大约50英尺,我喜欢坐在那里安静地看着它几分钟. 

与其他瀑布相比,穆尼辛瀑布的水量相对较小(不可能所有的瀑布都是尼亚加拉瀑布), 我猜), but I really enjoyed my time here and would definitely recommend visiting. 除了看瀑布, the roll on the trail is a fun activity, 这是一个很好的户外活动方式, 也. 


天气好的时候, 普雷斯克岛公园 马凯特有什么好去处. It’s just a short drive from downtown and a favorite of visitors and locals alike. 我到达了 普雷斯克岛公园 at about 10 am on a weekday and there was already a good bit of people there. It didn’t take long for me to figure out why. 

普雷斯克岛馆有方便的停车位,然后你可以沿着彼得怀特大道走完整的铺设环路. 这是一次美丽的hg6668皇冠登录. 从公园两英里长的环形公路出发, I was able to see gorgeous 苏必利尔湖 for almost the entire way.

的 entire loop is completely wheelchair accessible, but there are some steeper hills at certain points. 我在电动轮椅上的路线没有任何问题,我认为大多数轮椅应该能够处理整个循环. 这是一个非常有趣的两英里的旋转,如果不是在马凯特有那么多其他令人惊奇的东西要看的话,我可以很容易地再绕一圈. 



hg6668皇冠登录市中心 is quirky, cool, and a fun place to wander around on a nice day. 市中心有很多很棒的商店 & restaurants, and the large majority of them are wheelchair accessible. 我喜欢逛各种各样的商店,一天下午花了大约四个小时在市中心闲逛购物. 让马凯特成为一个小城市, compared to big cities like Detroit anyway, I actually liked its downtown area more than most places. I’m telling ya, downtown hg6668皇冠登录 is a whole vibe.

的re were smooth curb cuts at all crosswalks in downtown, so it was easy for me to get around in my powered wheelchair. Sidewalks were in good condition 也 and wide enough, but some of the streets in downtown hg6668皇冠登录 are quite steep, so definitely be careful while going up and down the steep hills. 我没有任何问题, but it could prove to be a little challenging with a manual wheelchair in some areas.

Feed Your Soul With Art sign outside local businesses

如果你在6月至10月的第一个星期四在hg6668皇冠登录参加一个有趣的市中心活动,那就是第一个星期四艺术漫步. 这是每月一次的艺术漫步, 在哪里,当地的工作室和画廊聚集在一起,在市中心创造一个有趣的互动艺术. Many of the shops are within walking/rolling distance of each other, 但你需要开车去一些.

第一个星期四艺术步道上大约有十几家艺术商店,其中大多数都是可以到达的. Some of my favorites were Gordon Gearhart, who is a talented blacksmith and creates metal sculptures, 画廊, 电炉陶器, 电炉Clayworks和Rock Street Studio. After visiting these, I was impressed with just how much talent is 在hg6668皇冠登录. 记住, even if you’re not 在hg6668皇冠登录 during First Thursdays Art Walk, you can still visit the many galleries and studios.


成立于2010年, 黑石啤酒厂已成为上半岛最大和最受欢迎的啤酒厂之一. 这并不奇怪! This microbrewery 在hg6668皇冠登录 offers craft 啤酒s, 现场音乐, 户外座位, making it the perfect place to relax after a long day of sightseeing. 

贝莱德啤酒厂 does not serve food, but you definitely will not go hungry here. 当我拜访时, 路边停着一辆最美味的餐车卖披萨,显然, you can find a food truck here pretty much every evening. 在我看来, 没有什么比披萨更好的了, 啤酒, and a perfect summer breeze with 现场音乐 in the background, 所以我很高兴. 

的 Blackrocks drink menu contains American IPA’s, 干啤酒花奶油麦酒, 季节性啤酒, 啤酒啤酒, 还有美味的桶装啤酒. 你想不想喝点啤酒, 看一些现场音乐, 或者两者同时发生, this is a place to add to your list while 在hg6668皇冠登录.  


这个博物馆专门介绍hg6668皇冠登录、苏必利尔湖和铁矿石贸易的海事历史. 它的外观是一座美丽的砖砌建筑,它都在一层,方便轮椅进入. Check the museum’s calendar before heading over though, as it is only open from mid-May through mid-10月ober. 

虽然相对较小,但是 hg6668皇冠登录海事博物馆 is full of interesting exhibits and information. You can learn about the city’s maritime history, 该地区著名的沉船事故, 以及在海上生活的条件. One of my favorite details inside the museum was the “knot station”. 这是一个动手展示的绳索和不同的水手结的图片供您尝试. Trust me, those knots are harder than they look to figure out! 

Since 2002, the museum has also been associated with the hg6668皇冠登录港灯, a lighthouse that serves traffic 在hg6668皇冠登录 Harbor and adjacent waters of 苏必利尔湖. Unfortunately, the lighthouse does not have an elevator and is not wheelchair accessible. However, it is worth catching a glimpse of from the outside. 

Curbfree8铁矿遗迹径 and the hg6668皇冠登录 bike paths

我喜欢在户外的小路上散步,密歇根州的hg6668皇冠登录市当然有很多这样的小路! 的 铁矿遗迹径 and hg6668皇冠登录 bike paths stretch for 47 miles and 35 of those are wheelchair accessible. I didn’t roll the entire path (my wheelchair can’t go quite that far on a single charge), 但我确实卷了一些 & 有苏必利尔湖的美景吗! 

的 bike paths and 铁矿遗迹径 go through downtown, 在普莱斯克岛公园附近, 更进一步. I started rolling on the trail from Clark Lambros Beach Park, but you could absolutely start somewhere else along the trail. 在出发之前,只要考虑一下你想在哪里开始和结束,然后计划你的路线.  

Curbfree10Across the street from the Clark Lambros Beach Park is an EZ Launch for kayaks and canoes. 这个皮艇发射是为轮椅使用者调整的,使实际进出皮艇的过程更容易. 你只需要滑过一些结实的长凳,直到你坐上皮艇,然后进入水中. It’s an easy way to get out on the water and I loved the fact that hg6668皇冠登录 had this, as water activities can frequently be off-limits for wheelchair users due to a lack of access.



如果我住在马凯特, 矿石码头酿酒公司 is the place that I would be at every weekend. It is much more than just a bar, although the drinks are great. It’s also a place to socialize, enjoy 现场音乐, a comedy show, or simply unwind.

矿石码头酿酒公司 opened in 2012 and since then, it has become one of the best breweries in the Upper Peninsula. 的y have a variety of 啤酒s on tap and if you want to try five of them, 你可以做一次抽样飞行. I had the Blue Canoe 啤酒 and loved it, so I’d definitely suggest trying it. 

Every weekend, Ore Dock has 现场音乐 and sometimes, they have comedy shows. On the night that I visited, it was open-mic comedy night, which was a lot of fun to watch. 展览在二楼举行,轮椅可以通过另一个入口进入. 无论你是想在楼下闲逛还是在楼上娱乐,啤酒厂都是完全可以到达的. 



Every Saturday morning from May until the end of 10月ober, downtown hg6668皇冠登录 overflows with local vendors at the hg6668皇冠登录 Farmers Market. 的re are all kinds of things for sale here, 从艺术品到食物, 花, and pretty much anything you can imagine. 最棒的是 is that it’s all made by locals!

在农贸市场的时候, I bought a piece of art and enjoyed some kale/carrot/turmeric juice (followed up with a scone, 当然). 的re is truly something for everyone here and the market is fully accessible. 的re are smooth paved paths between vendors, so you should have no problems shopping from a wheelchair. 

的re are about 50 vendors at the hg6668皇冠登录 Farmers Market every Saturday morning, but if you won’t be in town on a Saturday, you could also visit the Wednesday evening market. It runs every Wednesday from 5-7 pm from mid-June to mid-September. 


Lakenenland is one of the coolest roadside attractions I’ve ever been to. 湖区雕塑公园hg6668皇冠登录, 密歇根 is such a unique place because not only is it completely free and open 24/7, but all of the sculptures were created by one person, 汤姆Lakenen. 

Across 37 acres, there are dozens of sculptures made of junk metal and scrap iron. 的 sculptures are fun to see and it amazed me that just one person created all of them. Many of the sculptures are politically driven, but there are also many that aren’t. 

You can choose to walk/roll throughout the sculpture park or drive. It was raining a bit when I visited, so driving was the best option. 这是一条土路, 但硬邦邦的, so it would probably be possible to roll in a wheelchair if you really wanted to. However, Lakenenland is pretty big, so I’d likely suggest driving through it.


托马斯岩观景台 is only a 30-minute drive from hg6668皇冠登录, 密歇根 and has beautiful views of 苏必利尔湖. 去瞭望台, 有一条小径(大约1英里长)蜿蜒穿过树林,可供轮椅通行. 

的 mile-long trail was very easy to do in my powered wheelchair, but there were a couple spots that were a bit steep. 沿途有解说标志,它们描述了周围的树木、野生动物和植物. 当我沿着小径滚动时,我喜欢通过许多解释性的标志来了解这个地区.


Approximately halfway on the trail is the overlook spot, where the views stretch for miles. I could see 苏必利尔湖 and the gorgeous scenery, and I sat there for a while taking in the beauty of 密歇根’s Upper Peninsula. This is easily one of the best, and most scenic, places in all of 密歇根. It should be an absolute must-do on your wheelchair-accessible hg6668皇冠登录 itinerary!

At the start of the trail, there are accessible parking spaces and accessible restrooms. 的 restrooms are spacious and single stalls, so they’re perfect for families or if you require a companion.


Where to Stay 在hg6668皇冠登录: 国家酒店 & 丽笙套房

在马凯特的时候,我住在 国家酒店 & 丽笙套房. 我从来没有住过乡村旅馆 & Suites until this stay, but I was quickly impressed and really liked this hotel. 它的位置很好, just a 10-minute drive from downtown hg6668皇冠登录, and there were plenty of restaurants in the surrounding area. 

我的房间便于轮椅进出,有一张特大号床,足够我活动. 如果你需要的话,床下面也有足够的空间供霍耶升降机/提升机使用. Curbfree15

In the bathroom, there was a pull-under sink, grab bars by the toilet, and a roll-in shower. 的 roll-in shower had a fold-down seat, 但折叠式座椅位于淋浴器的另一侧,与控制器和手持淋浴棒一样, so they could be difficult/impossible to reach if you’re sitting in the fold-down seat. Aside from that, the room and bathroom were great for my accessibility needs. 

Another feature that I liked was that the 国家酒店 & 丽笙套房 had complimentary breakfast every morning. 这里有很好的早餐可供选择,这是开始一天的完美方式,然后开始在hg6668皇冠登录的有趣的短途旅行! 


hg6668皇冠登录, 密歇根 is a destination that I’m already dreaming about returning to. 在参观之前对这座城市一无所知,这让我完全震惊了. 从友好的当地人到大量轮椅无障碍的hg6668皇冠登录景点和一流的住宿, now that you know just how spectacular this city is, it’s time to plan your own adventure to 密歇根’s Upper Peninsula!


*感谢hg6668皇冠登录旅游公司在这次旅行中与我合作,并向我展示了hg6668皇冠登录最好的轮椅无障碍景点! While most of my experiences 在hg6668皇冠登录 were complimentary, all opinions expressed are authentic and my own.